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Born in Reggio Emilia, Italy, Alice Borciani graduated in trumpet and in singing at the conservatory of Reggio Emilia. She specialized in Baroque vocal repertoire with Monica Piccinini.
In 2012 she graduated with distinction at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis under the guidance of Gerd Türk. 

In 2005 Alice won the International Music Competition "Premio Città di Padova". In December 2010 she won the Third Prize in the International competition of Baroque singing "Francesco Provenzale" in Napoli organized by the Cappella Pietà dei Turchini.
In 2013, with the ensemble Cafebaum, she won the first prize at the Göttingen Händel-Festspiele competition for young ensembles of baroque music.

She started the choral activity at very young age. Among her first performances as soloist it’s worth mentioning the role of Amore in Monteverdi’s "Il ballo delle Ingrate" in Guastalla (Italy) also recorded for ARION (Paris) in 1995.


Alice has sung as a soloist and in vocal ensembles in many theaters and music festivals in Europe, Japan, Bolivia, Colombia (opening concert of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, Salzburg Festspiele, Resonanzen Wien, Utrecht Oudemuziek festival, Leipzig Bachfest, Theater Basel, Potsdam Schlosstheater, Arena di Verona, FAMB Basel, La Folia festival Rougemont, Festival de musica barroca Misiones de Chiquitos - Bolivia, FEMÁS - Sevilla).

She has sung under the baton of Jordi Savall, Ottavio Dantone, Andrea Marcon, Thomas Hengelbrock, Diego Fasolis and Leonardo Garcia Alarcón

She is a regular member of the Balthasar-Neumann Chor, La Cetra Vokalensemble, Zürcher Sing-Akademie and the Choeur de Chambre de Namur, and she performs as well with La Fonte Musica, Servir Antico, Vox Luminis, Melpomen, and the Capella Reial de Catalunya.


She is also interested in contemporary music and she has taken part in various operas, concerts and first performances of contemporary pieces.

In 2007 she has earned a Bachelor degree in Musicology at the Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna, Italy.

She is currently studying Kulturmanagement at the University of Basel.

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